We never imagined we would ever be parents of nine children. We thought maybe two or three, but God touched our hearts and asked us to trust him. Here is a little glimpse into how the last 18 years has looked.
Christopher arrived! We were young and delighted first time parents of our strong and energetic son, we had no idea we’d do this eight more times!
When our sweet Jonathan came along two years later, we thought maybe our family was complete, but once Jonathan was one, we thought…maybe one more.
Then there were three! Madeleine came along to the party and brought with her a huge zest for life.
Madeleine clearly needed a sister, so God sent our tender hearted Elizabeth. With two boys and two girls, why didn’t we stop there?.
This was the moment at which we both felt convicted to trust God with our fertility. Our smiley Matthew was our first baby to which the timing was left entirely in God’s hands. I was nervous we would have a small gap. Our other children were born about 2 years apart. Matthew arrived 2 years, less one day, after his sister Elizabeth. Clearly God timed it better than we could!
Hannah was our next arrival bringing with her so much joy.
Stephen was a very chilled out baby and easily slotted into family life.
Michael, our cuddly and affectionate little boy who looks so much like Stephen, people often get them muddled up, but their personalities are all very different.
Katie Joy joined our merry team two years ago. Her name means pure joy and that’s certainly what she has brought to our family. Two years on and no more babies. Maybe that season has passed, or maybe God will surprise us. Either way, we are at peace and truly grateful for the family God has given us.
Anna Collins says:
You have a gorgeous family that God has blessed you with.
Janet O'Neill says:
What an awesome God! So many blessings:)