I love fresh starts, a crisp new book, a newly made bed or a freshly painted room. New Year is an opportunity I relish to claim a new start. I know any day can be a new beginning but new year seems a good place to begin.
Do you make resolutions and if so have you ever kept them all year? I’m not sure if I have kept any because I don’t write them down. That’s where you all come in, as I thought I’d share my resolutions here on the blog in the hope that you might just keep me accountable, I can but try!
New Year Resolutions 2025
- I plan to read or listen to the Bible more than reading articles or watching videos. I intend to listen to the Holy Bible app when I’m doing the washing, stacking/emptying the dishwasher and when I’m getting ready for the day. I love watching history videos but I need to get my priorities straight and Jesus needs more of my attention. Psalm 119:105, ‘Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.’
- This January I’m going to finish the book I’m reading, it’s called ‘Boundaries’. I’m a slow, easily distracted reader who reads the newspaper more than whole books. I plan to read 10 pages a day before bed. I tend to be a bit of a walkover, thinking it’s my Christian duty to be servant-hearted, but I’m reminded that Jesus had boundaries. He prioritised time with his Father and spoke up against the Pharisees hypocrisy. I want to be kind but also wise enough to know when to say no or walk away from a situation. Matthew 10:16, ‘I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.’
- I need to intentionally focus on the present. The here and now is always busy and requires my full attention. God doesn’t want me to dwell on the difficulties of the past or to fear for the future, as both steal our joy, instead he calls us to be thankful in all circumstances, remembering Psalm 118:24, ‘This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
- I hope to grow in self- confidence- I need to realise and accept who I am in the eyes of God, in order to find my true value as his child and thus embrace more fully all he has called me to do. Perhaps, in order to grow, I will read this Bible verse daily, which reminds me that I am important to God, Isaiah 43:1, ‘I have called you by name, and you are mine.’
- I plan to create more of a routine to my daily life; I’ve found this harder to achieve with several older children, with varying schedules. I need to lead by example and go to bed earlier and get up earlier. I crave routine particularly in a season where change is a daily occurrence due to growing teenagers and I know I am more productive when my choices are limited by established healthy habits. 1 Corinthians 14:40, ‘Let all things be done decently and in order.’
I hope you all have a blessed 2025. Do let me know if you’ve made any resolutions and we can keep each other accountable 😁
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